Friday 4 March 2011

My First Comon Tests In Cedar !! :O

After a long waiting for my PSLE results and Secondary school, finally i'm posted to my dream school cedar girls :) Time files fast ... my first common tests came. It happen to be my weakest subject -- SCIENCE -- !! For  almost one-third of the science paper , i'm guessing for the answer !! However, life is always full of surprise , it turn out that i scored the first in class ?!! hahas at first , i still doubt if mr teo see wrongly !!! :)It's rather a great start in cedar :) Now i'm gonna to prepare for my english common test !! :) english is always my weakest subject of all , hence, i pretty stress up now !! hehe although i'm here but my heart is all over the english paper ::P :) Hope it can go as well as my science paper :)